

Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly known as aerial work platforms enable personnel to access work areas at moderate heights. Due to their versatility and wide application in use of MEWPs, ANSI (American National Standards Institute), the national standards and regulations authority, revised policies and standards that employers and equipment…


Industry News
Ever since their invention in 1919 as the ‘Hard Boiled Hat’, hard hats have proven themselves invaluable in protecting their wearers’ heads. Their effectiveness is so significant that governments and safety regulation authorities around the world -such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) have made it necessary by law…


Accidents in the workplace are unfortunately inevitable. The means to cope with this hard fact is to mitigate the effects of these accidents. Mobile cranes, a core component of the heavy and construction industries’ equipment range, are no exception to experiencing accidents. These accidents may lead to the damage of…

Job Site Safety Training

The construction, mining and heavy industries bring man and machine together to create amazing structures, modify the environment to suit our needs, and extract valuable resources that push technology and development on global scales. Like any other place of work, these industries are prone to accidents. The difference is the…

NCCCO Mobile Crane Certification

We receive many phone calls at Total Equipment Training from individuals looking to get their NCCCO Certification. While our business has primarily served corporations in NCCCO certifying their operators onsite, we have seen the need to help individuals or smaller companies with just one operator find an affordable way to…


Safely lifting and moving loads is a core part of the heavy and construction industries. Several implements have been developed to help achieve this, common among them being the crane. They come in a variety of configurations all specialized to the type of work they are intended for. On smaller…

Overhead Cranes

Lifting heavy loads is a daily necessity of the heavy and construction industry. As such, several implements have been developed and utilized to make this not only possible, but efficient and safe as well. Among the most widely applied utilities in this category is the crane. Mobile cranes are wheeled…

An Introduction to Excavators

Heavy machinery prides itself on being among the most powerful and widely utilized all over the world. This is from the progress and investment put into their development to make them ever more efficient in safely moving and lifting loads. Among the most popular of these heavy machines is the…

What Are OSHA Fall Protection Regulations?

In the United States falls are the leading cause of workplace injury. OSHA has set forth guidelines that ensure that employees are given the proper protection from falls. Fall protection equipment can be many things such as a full-body harness, a rescue harness, a work positioning belt, etc. These devices…