Lift Director / Site Supervisor

Lift Director / Site Supervisor Training
The Lift Director is responsible for verifying the category of the load handling activity and reviewing and implementing the plan. Not having a designated Lift Director onsite, opens up the possibility of having an accident because there is no one responsible for the lift. The Lift Director pulls together all the information and makes sure the necessary personnel and equipment is available to help ensure a successful lift.
With the new OSHA 1926.1400 crane standards, the revised ASME B30.5; Mobile Crane & Locomotive Cranes and the ASME P30.1; Planning for Load Handling Activities, it is clear any lift has designated jobs, each with their own responsibilities. OSHA has recognized the need for someone to be in charge of any type of lift and has defined this need as the Lift Director. All employers who lift any type of material will benefit by appointing someone to be responsible for overseeing the lift.
Total Equipment Training’s Lift Director Program goes through the duties of the Lift Director. Lift Directors will follow a guideline to determine if the lift is a Standard Lift or a Critical Lift and implement the additional personnel needed to perform the work. The program will go through the various responsibilities the Lift Director has working with the crane operator, the signal person(s), riggers, site supervisor, and any other personnel working near the lift.
The Lift Director program is a perfect accompaniment for all mobile crane or rigger signal person programs.
Schedule Site Supervisor/Lift Director Training for Your Company
Contact us today or give our office a call at (610) 321-2679 and our knowledgeable staff will provide you with the information you need and tailor a program to fit your needs and meet OSHA requirements.
Course Description | Media | Book Now |
Formal Workplace Inspections Provides workers with information on what hazards and safety inspections to perform, steps for pre-planning an inspection, techniques for submitting and presenting recommendations, and follow-up and monitoring activities after an inspection. (90 mins) $33.95 | Formal Workplace Inspections | |
Leadership for Safety Helps individuals understand what leadership for safety is, the importance of safety, accountability, humility, focus, communication skills, trust, recognition and much more. (1 hr) $59.95 | Leadership for Safety | |
Rigging Knowledge Verification: This exam covers the following topics: Eyebolt, hooks, plate clamps, rigging applications, calculations, shackles, rigging standards and helps identify poor rigging practices. (60 mins) $37.95 |