OSHA Safety Training Certification
Total Equipment Training provides OSHA safety training certification for you or your staff. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is the US agency that ensures safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards. Total Equipment Training provides OSHA training for the following:

OSHA Confined Space Training
Working within confined spaces is dangerous and challenging work. Our on-site confined space training program is designed to protect authorized employees that will enter confined spaces and may be exposed to hazardous atmospheres and conditions. During our training program, employees will learn how to work with the limitations that these spaces present and identify hazardous conditions.
Confined Space Training Requirements (OSHA Certification)
The OSHA confined space certification is required for all supervisors of confined space entry, all employees who enter or work within a confined space, and all individuals tasked with assisting with the entry into a confined space. Our on-site confined space training program satisfies the training requirements for the OSHA 29 CFR § 1910.146 Confined Spaces Standard. Specific topics covered in this training program include:
Purpose and objective | Atmospheric monitoring |
Definitions of confined spaces | Acceptable entry conditions |
Typical hazards in confined spaces | Entry person, attendant |
Controlling hazards | Entry and rescue equipment |
Ventilation programs | Entry procedures |
Permit programs | Rescue procedures |
And comprehensive class manual covering all of the OSHA standards and appendixes for the requested parts.
OSHA Fall Protection Training
In the U.S. construction industry, falls are the leading cause of work-related fatalities. On average, 150 to 200 workers are killed each year and more than 100,000 are injured as a result of falls at construction sites.
Because of this, fall protection training has become an invaluable program at any job site. The objective of a fall protection training course is to make sure employees are aware of, and are protected from, the hazards of working at elevated heights.
Fall Protection Safety Training Outline (OSHA Certifications)
Classroom Agenda
- History of fall protection in the industry
- Fall statistics in the industry
- Physics of a fall – live demonstrations
- Types of fall protection systems
- Primary versus secondary fall protection
- Components of personal fall protection devices
- Summation of fall forces and limitations of fall protection devices
- How to determine fall protection device limitations
- How to inspect fall protection devices
- How to wear fall protection devices
- Identification of proper anchorage points
- Ladder and stairway safety
Hands-on Agenda
- Hands-on demonstration
- Components of personal devices
- Inspect fall protection devices
- Wearing fall protection devices
Email Total Equipment Training to get started with Fall Protection Safety Training Certification.
OSHA Lockout Tagout Training
Lock-out and tag-out training is necessary whenever you are working on and around any equipment where you could be injured by the unexpected start-up of equipment and stored energy being released. Master the procedures and practices to keep equipment from being set in motion and endangering workers with Total Equipment Training’s Lock-out/Tag-out training course.
Lockout/Tagout Training Standards (OSHA Safety Certification)
Total Equipment Training’s on-site lockout tagout training program satisfies the training requirements for the 29 CFR 1910.147, Control of Hazardous Energy Lockout/Tagout. Specific topics covered in this training program include:
- Purpose of training
- Key definitions
- Standard requirements
- Discussion and demonstration of locks & tags
- Shutdown
- Isolating equipment and applying lockout devices and tags
- Releasing stored energy
- Restoring energy and removing lockout devices
- Authorized employee
- Affected employee
- Zero energy state
- Warning tags and audits
OSHA Scaffolding Training
Our on-site scaffolding training program provides a general overview of the necessary safety measures that are required when working with or on scaffolding. During our training programs, employees will learn how to maximize safety for themselves and those around them and identify any potential hazards.
Scaffolding Safety Requirements (OSHA Training Certification)
Per the OSHA scaffolding certification guidelines, employers are required to have every employee who works on, erects, secures, or dismantles a scaffold trained by a qualified person in order to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand the procedures to minimize hazards. Our on-site scaffolding training program satisfies the training requirements for the OSHA 29 CFR § 1926 Subpart L Scaffolds Safety Standards. Specific topics covered in this training program include:
The Role of the Competent Person
- Who is the competent person
- Selecting a competent person
- What are the responsibilities of the competent person
Pre-assembly Inspection
- Damage and defects
- Planking
- Assembly components
- Using cross braces
- Common sense safety
Safe Assembly
- Height considerations
- Walkways and platforms
- Overlapping and proper plank usage
Pre-shift Inspection
- Plate inspection
- Crossbracing
- Secured guardrails
- Platform abuse
- Safe work practices
- Ladder and stairway usage
- Working in bad weather
- Area hazards
- Role of the competent person
- Identifying deficiencies
- Area conditions
- Fall protection
- OSHA regulations
- Guardrail types
Personal Fall Arrest Systems
- Anchorage
- PFAS components
- Positioning devices
- Floor hole covers
- Safety nets
- Personal protective equipment
- Maintenance
- Types
- Pre-use inspection
- Skills test
- Secure equipment
- Equipment erection and dismantling summary
Are Your Employees in Need of OSHA Safety Training?
Contact us today or give our office a call at (610) 321-2679 and our knowledgeable staff will provide you with the information you need and tailor a program to fit your needs and meet OSHA requirements.
Course Description | Media | Book Now |
Confined Space Awareness Gives an overview of equipment used for safe entry, exit, and operations in confined spaces. (2 hrs) $59.99 | ||
Confined Space Awareness for Entrants and Monitors Provides workers with information regarding confined spaces, and a broad overview on how to manage confined spaces. (2 hrs) $45.99 | Confined Space Awareness for Entrants and Monitors | |
Confined Space Entry Provides individuals with important information needed for working in confined spaces. (2.5 hrs) $67.99 | Confined Space Entry | |
Confined Space Entry and Monitor Explains possible hazards, the difference between confined and restricted spaces, and explains methods for eliminating, assessing, controlling and monitoring hazards. (2 hrs) $74.99 | Confined Space Entry and Monitor | |
Confined Spaces: Entry Team Training: Construction Activities Teaches workers the proper precautions that need to be taken before entering a confined space, also teaches how to identify hazards in a “Permit-required” confined space. (45 mins) $24.99 | Confined Spaces: Entry Team Training: Construction Activities | |
Hazard Communication In Construction Environments Provides workers with information they need to recognize and avoid any hazardous chemicals in the workplace. (40 mins) $37.99 | Hazard Communication In Construction Environments | |
Hazard Communication Awareness: Provides individuals with knowledge on: Pictograms, what workers can do to remain safe at work, safety data sheets and how hazardous chemicals can affect your health. (20 mins) $59.99 | Hazard Communication Awareness: | |
HAZWOPER: Confined Space Entry Teaches how to eliminate or reduce the exposure to hazardous materials while working in confined spaces. Provides individuals with information on OSHAs permit-space entry program. (30 mins) $39.99 | HAZWOPER: Confined Space Entry | |
Back Safety in Industrial Environments Provides individuals with safe lifting practices and the many different types of back injuries and how they may be prevented. (60 mins) $37.99 | ||
Back Safety Basics: Teaches workers the proper lifting techniques, stretching, and back safety basics to help prevent back injuries. (20 mins) $37.99 | Back Safety Basics: | |
Fall Protection in Industrial and Construction Environments Teaches workers safe practices needed to help prevent slips, trips, and falls, Explains the proper way to use a portable ladder and also work safely when scaffolding (30 mins) $39.99 | ||
Fall Protection In Construction Helps individuals identify fall hazards, ways to avoid them, and the proper procedure needed for working at heights. (60 mins) $24.99 | ||
Fall Protection Awareness Online Provides individuals with information on the many different workplace fall hazards, and the necessary steps to take to eliminate or minimize hazards. (90 mins) $59.99 | Fall Protection Awareness Online | |
Fall Protection Training Covers types of falls, fall protection and rescue planning, equipment used, safety measures and controls for individuals who perform work at heights. (3 hrs) $59.99 | Fall Protection Training | |
Head, Eye, and Face Protection: PPE Employee Essentials Provides individuals with knowledge about the different types of personal protective equipment required for worksite safety. (15 mins) $24.99 | Head, Eye, and Face Protection: PPE Employee Essentials | |
Ladder Safety Basic Awareness Provides individuals with information about the different types of ladders, how to safely use a ladder, inspection of a ladder and also proper storage. (20 mins) $59.99 | ||
Ladder Safety Identifies common types of ladders, hazards associated with ladder use, safety practices, fall protection requirements and ladder inspection requirements. (45 mins) $49.99 | Ladder Safety | |
Ladder Safety for General Industry Helps workers understand the many dangers of ladders, ladder selection, accident prevention, falls and injuries, and performing ladder maintenance. (45 mins) $24.99 | Ladder Safety for General Industry | |
Personal Protective Equipment Provides individuals training in the use of personal protective equipment per OSHA regulations. (40 mins) $26.99 | Personal Protective Equipment | |
Stairways and Ladders for Construction Helps individuals recognize and minimize stairway and ladder placement maximum loads and all stairway and ladder requirements and regulations. (45 mins) $24.99 | Stairways and Ladders for Construction | |
Scaffolding - Safety Training (OSHA) Covers safe operation, hazards and how they can be avoided, dismantling, erection and much more. (45 mins) $79.99 | Scaffolding – Safety Training (OSHA) | |
Scaffold Safety Helps identify scaffold hazards, safety requirements, fall protection, designing and inspecting also about the use of an aerial lift. (30 mins) $59.99 | Scaffold Safety | |
Scaffolds and Construction Identifies the many OSHA regulations, scaffold types, hazards, and how to operate and work safely. (60 mins) $24.99 | Scaffolds and Construction | |
Suspended Scaffold Safety Provides information about platforms, planking, the danger of power lines, platform hazards, personal fall arrest systems and the proper way to guard against falling objects. (45 mins) $39.99 | Suspended Scaffold Safety | |
Basic Electrical Safety Covers basic electrical terminology, electrical hazards, common mistakes made, safe work practices and ways to respond to an electrical problem. (20 mins) $37.99 | Basic Electrical Safety | |
Electrical Safety: Training for the Unqualified Discusses the importance of electrical safety, protective gear that should be worn, what to do in an electrical emergency, and how to recognize and avoid electrical hazards. (45 mins) $24.99 | ||
Electrical Safety Training Educating individuals about the hazards associated with the use of electricity. Covering topics such as: Personal protective equipment, safe work procedures, electricity and the human body and much more. (4.25 hrs) $112.99 | Electrical Safety Training | |
Electrical Safety Training System Non-Electrical Workers Provides non-electrical workers with information about what electricity is, roles and responsibilities, standards and regulations, taking precautions, reporting incidents and what to do in case of an emergency. (90 mins) $33.95 | Electrical Safety Training System Non-Electrical Workers | |
Electrocution Hazards in Construction Provides information for construction workers about: major types of electrocution hazards, methods of protection, safe and unsafe work practices and how employers can protect their workers from electrocution hazards. (90 mins) $75.99 | Electrocution Hazards in Construction | |
Lockout Tagout Provides information to help recognize potential hazards, knowledge of safe operations and discuss the best way to keep yourself and others safe. (60 mins) $44.99 | Lockout Tagout | |
Lockout Tagout Online Provides knowledge on how to prepare for hazards, how to shut down power sources, isolating energy sources, applying locks and tags, and how to verify all safety procedures. (60 mins) $59.99 | Lockout Tagout Online | |
Lockout/Tagout: Put a Lock on Hazardous Energy Important information about how to control energy, lockout basics, tagout basics, tag requirements, shift changes, group lockout, group tagout, vehicle lockout/tagout and all special cases. (60 mins) $24.99 | Lockout/Tagout: Put a Lock on Hazardous Energy | |
Machine Guard Safety Provides individuals with information on the basic machine operations, fixed guards, interlock devices, drop probe devices, restrain and pull back devices and much more. (45 mins) $37.99 | Machine Guard Safety |