Site Management

Site supervisors are responsible for job site management while overseeing safety, logistics and other issues happening within one of the most challenging and hazardous work environments. In addition, site supervisors are accountable, along with various members of the company’s management team, for the safety and productivity of a job site. Therefore, training is necessary to help supervisors to develop their skills further, understand and implement best practices and keep their job sites safe and productive.
Our site supervisor training program is designed for any supervisory personnel such as a Foreman, Site Supervisor, Facility Manager and Safety Director. Upon completing our training program, supervisory personnel will be competently trained and armed with thorough safety knowledge and skills to oversee and manage all crane and construction site operations.
The objective of our Crane Supervisor Training program is to provide your Site Supervisors, Foreman, Facility Managers and Safety Directors with the proper knowledge and training to avoid hazards during crane operation and to do your their job efficiently and effectively. The material covered in during our training program is in accordance with OSHA standards as defined under 29 CFR 1910.180 and 1926.1400.
Topics covered during our Crane Supervisor training course include:
Learn how to avoid hazards during crane operation and to do your job efficiently and effectively. This course is for any supervisory personnel such as a Foreman, Site Supervisor, Facility Manager and Safety Director.
- Planning and safe operations of all crane and crane-related operations.
- Crane components and terminology
- Crane setup
- Understanding and using load charts
- Lift considerations
- Determining crane operator qualification
- Operator responsibilities-inspection
- Define critical parts of the crane
- Lifting personnel
- Mock critical lift meeting with worksheets and calculations
- Critical lift safety awareness topics
- Rigging
- Daily and monthly inspection information
- Unsafe conditions and deficiencies
- Lift capacity reductions
- Hand signals and signal person
- Proper crane selection for the job
- Crane operator manual
At Total Equipment Training, our crane supervisor trainers are experienced, thorough and the best in the industry. Our effective and efficient approach to crane management training sets us apart from other training programs. We bring our training program to your site, saving you time and money. In addition, our site supervisor training program can be customized to meet your organization’s specific needs and OSHA requirements. If you’re interested in one of our training programs, contact us today or give our office a call at (610) 321-2679!
(610) 321-2679